Burma 24

Your Window to Myanmar

About Us

Burma 24 is your one-stop platform for reliable and diverse Myanmar news. We curate stories from independent sources, fight misinformation, and promote media literacy. Our goal is to empower you with accurate information so you can make informed decisions.

Curated, Not Confused

We recognize the significance of reliable information. And that our team carefully chooses news sources, giving priority to those known for accuracy, ethical reporting, and diverse perspectives. We eliminate the guesswork and guarantee you receive trustworthy and high-quality news.

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Fake News Fighters

Fighting misinformation is a core principle at Burma 24. We’ve established rigorous selection procedures to pinpoint and exclude unreliable sources, ensuring the readers can trust that the news you’re consuming is both factual and impartial.

Save Time, Stay Informed

No more endlessly scrolling through social media feeds! Burma 24 gathers news from various independent sources, conveniently housed in one location. This saves you valuable time and ensures you receive a comprehensive perspective on current events.

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Finding What Matters to You

Our user-friendly platform simplifies the process of finding the news that interests you most. Explore a variety of perspectives, dive deeper into specific topics, and stay informed about the issues shaping Myanmar’s future.


Burma 24’s vision is to empower the people of Myanmar by providing a comprehensive and reliable platform for accessing diverse and independent news sources. We are committed to curating timely and accurate information, combating misinformation, and fostering a well-informed and engaged citizenry.

We aim to:

  • Aggregate news from diverse sources: Offer a centralized platform where users can easily access news from a wide range of credible and independent media outlets.
  • Combat misinformation: Prioritize accuracy and reliability by curating news from trusted sources and promoting media literacy.
  • Enhance news accessibility: Make news easily discoverable and accessible to everyone, regardless of their location or background.
  • Support a vibrant media landscape: Promote a diverse and independent media landscape by amplifying the voices of various news outlets and providing resources, training, and access to the latest technologies for journalists and media organizations to enhance their capabilities.

Ultimately, our goal is to create a space where individuals can stay informed about the issues that matter most to them and actively participate in shaping the future of Myanmar.


“To empower Myanmar citizens with timely and accurate news by curating content from diverse sources, combating misinformation, and promoting media literacy, while supporting a vibrant and independent media landscape.”

Join the Burma 24 Community

Burma 24 is more than just a news aggregator; it’s a platform for an informed and engaged citizenry. Stay tuned for exciting new features and resources aimed at empowering the readers to actively participate in Myanmar’s evolving news landscape.

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With Burma 24, you can trust that you're receiving the news that counts, delivered accurately and conveniently. Come aboard and be part of the journey!