Content Sharing Protocol

Burma 24 firmly supports the intellectual property rights of news organizations and the vital role of copyright law. At our core, we prioritize forging collaborative partnerships with news agencies. Our aim is to discover avenues through which we can bolster their efforts while upholding their unwavering ownership of their content.

1. Limited Display of Headlines

Burma 24 primarily displays headlines from recognized news outlets to provide readers with a quick overview of current news and a convenient way to access full articles on the original source websites. We limit our display to headlines only to ensure that we are not infringing on copyright laws.

2. Clear Attribution and Linking

  • Source Identification: Each headline is clearly attributed to its respective news outlet, ensuring proper credit is given to the original source.
  • Direct Links: Headlines are linked directly to the full article on the original news outlet’s website. This ensures that readers are guided to the source for complete content and that the original outlet receives the traffic and engagement it deserves.

3. No Content Reproduction

  • No Full Articles: As a general policy, Burma 24 does not republish complete news articles or large parts of articles on its platform without obtaining prior permission from the original authors or publishers. We understand that news content is the intellectual property of the originating outlet, and we respect their exclusive rights to distribute and monetize their work.
  • Limited Excerpts: In some cases, we may include brief excerpts from news articles, but these will be minimal, attributed to the source, and serve the purpose of providing context or a preview.

4. Respect for Image and Video Copyright

  • Third-Party Images/Videos: If news feeds contain images or videos, Burma 24 may display thumbnails or low-resolution previews. However, full-size content will not be hosted on our platform, and users will be directed to the original source to view the complete multimedia content.

5. Copyright Notices

Burma 24 respects existing copyright notices displayed on news outlets’ websites and will not remove or alter them. We understand that these notices are important for protecting the rights of copyright holders, and we fully comply with them.

6. Takedown Policy

  • Prompt Response: If a news outlet believes its copyright has been infringed, Burma 24 has established a clear and efficient takedown process. We understand the urgency of copyright infringement matters and will promptly remove content upon receipt of a valid copyright infringement claim.
  • Contact Information: The contact information for submitting takedown requests is prominently displayed on our website, ensuring that news outlets can easily reach us with any copyright concerns.

Burma 24 will promptly address copyright infringement claims. To file a claim, please provide the following:

  1. Identification of the copyrighted work you believe is being infringed.
  2. To help us locate the infringing material on Burma 24, please provide specific details, such as the URL or a thorough description of the content.
  3. Your contact information.
  4. A statement that you have a good-faith belief that the use is not authorized by the copyright owner.

Please submit copyright claims to: Takedown request

7. Collaboration

Burma 24 aims to build collaborative relationships with news outlets in Myanmar. We are open to exploring licensing agreements or other mutually beneficial arrangements that respect copyright and support the news ecosystem. We believe that by working together, we can create a sustainable and vibrant news environment that benefits both news outlets and readers.

We at Burma 24 are committed to upholding ethical and legal standards in our operations, and we strive to maintain a respectful and cooperative relationship with news outlets and copyright holders.