News Selection Policy

Burma 24 is dedicated to providing its readers with a carefully curated selection of reliable, accurate, and ethical news. To maintain the integrity of our platform and deliver the best possible experience for our users, we have established the following news selection guidelines

  1. Verification 

Prioritized Sources: News outlets featured on our platforms that are recognized by independent Myanmar journalism organizations, such as the Independent Press Council Myanmar (IPCM) or the Independent Myanmar Journalist Association (IMJA), will be given priority. These organizations uphold rigorous standards of journalistic integrity and provide a degree of assurance regarding news accuracy.

Verification: Our team ensures that all news outlets featured on our platform are vetted and verified. We meticulously cross-reference information from outlets lacking established verification processes with reliable sources such as government press releases, official statements, and reports from reputable organizations.

  1. Technical Standards 

  • Facebook Verification: News sources distributed through Facebook Pages must have a verified badge (blue checkmark) issued by Facebook. This indicates that Facebook has confirmed the page’s authenticity.
  • HTTPS Security: News websites must utilize HTTPS (Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure) protocol. This is indicated by a padlock symbol in the address bar and ensures secure, encrypted communication between the website and the user’s browser.
  1. Responsibility and Accountability

  • Newsroom Standards: We prioritize news outlets that demonstrate a commitment to responsible journalism and have a verifiable newsroom management system in place. This includes adherence to ethical guidelines, fact-checking procedures, and transparency in reporting.
  • Avoidance of Misinformation: News outlets with a history of disseminating misinformation, disinformation, or deliberately misleading content will be excluded from our platform. We believe it is crucial to combat the spread of false information and ensure the accuracy and reliability of the news we present to our readers.
  1. Diversity and Representation

  • Diverse Voices: We strive to include news feeds from a variety of outlets, representing different perspectives, marginalized communities, and regions within Myanmar. This ensures a balanced and inclusive representation of news for our readers. By providing a diverse range of viewpoints, we aim to foster a deeper understanding of the complex issues facing Myanmar and promote a more informed public discourse.
  1. Transparency

  • Clear Labeling: News sources will be clearly identified alongside each news feed, providing full transparency to our readers. We believe that transparency is essential for building trust with our audience and empowering them to make informed decisions about the news they consume.
  • Methodology: Our news selection criteria will be publicly available on the Burma 24 website, ensuring transparency in our decision-making process. We want our readers to understand the factors we consider when curating news stories and to hold us accountable for our choices.
  1. Evolving Standards

  • Continuous Review: Our news selection policy will be regularly reviewed and updated to reflect changes in the media landscape and best practices in responsible journalism. We recognize that the news environment is constantly evolving, and we are committed to adapting our policies to ensure we continue to provide our readers with the most accurate and reliable news possible.
  • Feedback: We welcome constructive feedback from our readers to help us refine and improve our news selection process. Your input is invaluable in helping us create a platform that better serves the needs and expectations of our audience. (Submit Feedback)

Burma 24 believes that a well-informed public is essential for a thriving democracy. By implementing rigorous selection standards and adhering to the principles of accuracy, fairness, and transparency, we aim to foster a platform where readers can trust the news they consume and make informed decisions about the future of Myanmar.